Missing or late work:
It is the student's responsibility to ask me about missing or incomplete assignments. All computer assignments must be completed in the computer lab either before
(5th and 6th grade) or after school (7th and 8th grade). Any work that is not turned in will receive no credit.
Reminder: 5th and 6th grade students must make up their assignments at
8:00 a.m., unless otherwise arranged with me. It is your responsibility to
inform me of when you would be able to complete the missing work. Also
remember, you have class 1 day a week. Therefore, by mid-term I only have
4 assignments to grade and average. One missing assignment will pull your
grade from an A+ to an F. Once it is completed, your grade will go back up.
You must complete all missing/late work before the end of Midterms
and Quarters.
Unexcused Absences:
a student is designated unexcused they will receive a zero for the day(s) they
were unexcused. (7/8th grade District Policy)